HALLS CAPACITIES U shape T shape Classroom Conference Square Theatre Banquet Cocktail Area Blueprint
Ballroom 80 80 130 70 85 300 250 300 395m2 Tlocrt
Meeting room 1 16 18 16 16 16 30 - - 30m2 Tlocrt
Meeting room 2 33 33 30 30 36 80 - - 90m2 Tlocrt
SKY Hall 384 336 504 480 576 1178 800 950 962m2 Tlocrt
SKY venue 30 36 36 44 32 90 - - 130m2 Tlocrt

Tehnical equipment:

LCD projectors and screens

flip chart

Wireless internet

sound system

cordless and fixed microphones


laser pointers for presentations

LCD TV and DVD player


mounting stages

Izrada sajta